Today marks the first day of Project Spectrum 2.0, again being organized by the ever lovely and ambitious Lolly. Last year, we had one, sometimes two colors per month to focus on, which was a bit difficult for us slower knitters (or, perhaps more accurately, us multi-tasking knitters). The big change for this year is that each set of colors will consist of three colors and last for two months. I think this will greatly increase my chances of actually using the intended colors, having more to choose from, and increase the odds of my finishing something in the "allotted" time. My first PS project is these socks,
which I had conveniently started on Saturday, without even thinking about how nicely they would fit into the February/March colors of blue, grey, and white. The yarn is Austermann Step, which is a wool/nylon blend also containing aloe vera and jojoba oil. I have to say that this yarn is VERY nice to knit with, and I'm really enjoying the simple stockinette pattern, which I'm making up as I go. I'm about to knit the heel flap, so I've been procrastinating a bit while I figure out how wide I want to make it and if I want to do anything fancy. Generally I make fairly complicated socks, so, as I said, I'm really enjoying these.Now that it's February 1st, I thought I should check in and see how I'm doing with my New Year's Resolutions, just to remind myself of them and keep on task. So, here goes:
Resolution 1: @ss off the couch - I started off pretty well with this one, TV-watching-wise, but I think I've slipped. I have been running a lot though, and riding my bike to work, and lifting weights a bit, so I think I'm succeeding here. I even mastered the elliptical machine yesterday. Forwards and backwards. This may sound silly but I've never been very well-coordinated on that thing...
Resolution 2: Enough with the yarn - Well, I bought yarn at Madrona, as you know, but that was planned, so I'm doing well here as well. To my mother, you should play nice or you won't get any more handknit socks...
Resolution 3: Do something epic - Well, I haven't DONE anything epic, nor do I have any concrete plans to do so. However, epic implies, well, epic, so when I think of it and get some planning going, I'll let you know. Two out of three ain't bad...
I have been playing in the snow, even if I haven't climbed anything "tall and snowy." Here's some lovely photos from my snowshoeing trip last Sunday:
For the curious, these were taken at the top of the Summit at Snoqualmie Nordic Center.
You should submit those photos to PS on Flickr. Absolutely stunning.
I like the color of the Feb/march socks. mom
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