Friday, September 14, 2007

Yarn for Hanami (finally!)

The yarn for my Hanami stole finally arrived on Wednesday! It was packed in this little sausage roll of a container, which is really just paper wrapped tightly around the yarn. Paper. Good thing it didn't rain on the yarn during the month in transit from Uruguay, or I'd have had 950 yards of felted laceweight merino! Anyway, even though it was long in coming, I'm really happy with the yarn. The color is perfect and the yarn is very soft. I was a bit worried about fragility because it's single-ply, but I gave it a good tug and it held up okay. I had hoped to have a couple of weeks ago so I could start the Hanami Knitalong with everyone else, but alas. Now I'm behind and I have loads of other things to knit, but hopefully I'll get this on the needles soon. My experience with the Mystery Stole, which I doubt I'll finish because I really didn't like the slant (as it were) that the design took in the end, has inspired me to believe that I can actually knit lace and that it's enjoyable, so I'm excited about Hanami.
I'm 11" in on the Drops cardigan. I've been knitting it so much my hands are sore! Tonight Anne-Marie and I are going to see the Yarn Harlot. The Seattle Times says she'll be doing a 60-minute stand-up routine about knitting. I guess that's accurate, because she is truly hilarious, but I wouldn't really have called it stand-up comedy. This will be my second Harlot viewing (first was pre-blog), and I'm sure it'll make for a fun evening!

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