Here's a fun Oliver and Dave photo. Dave is convinced that Oliver doesn't like him, or at least not as much as he likes me. One night I caught them on the couch, sitting as far as physically possible from each other:
This photo is great - it looks like Dave is giving Oliver the stink eye and Oliver is blissfully ignoring him. Typical cat behavior, I say. Note Dave is wearing felted clogs :)
I have been knitting. I started another stealth project on Saturday, which will be finished and probably gifted soon so I can show photos. I also just finished the heel of the first Anastasia Sock at lunch today and I'll (maybe)be moving on up the leg tomorrow. I'm a bit concerned about it because it's a short-row heel without any increases beforehand (toe-up), and it seems very narrow. I was already worried about it, and now I'm really troubled. The socks are for my mother's mother, and when I talked to my mom tonight she mentioned that my grandmother's feet swell (which I knew) but also that she wouldn't want tight socks, particularly around the ankle. Well. What to do? I'm really torn about this - I might go up a couple of needle sizes to make the ankle/leg larger, which seems like an okay plan since they aren't heavy wear areas anyway. My mother didn't seem thrilled about it, but what I think I'm going to do is just make the one sock for Christmas and make sure it fits. It'd be a shame to make both and have them both be too small. I could see my grandmother acting like they were fine to not make me feel bad but then not being able to wear them, and that makes me sad, so I'd really rather they be right so she can use them. Thoughts? I really think after this I'm just making socks for people with feet my size or Dave's size, so I have a handy measuring device at all times. Since we are a family of (for the most part) small-footed women, there will still be plenty of potential socks to knit...
Hi Emily-
I would just make one and have your grandmother try it on for size. In my experience short-row heels do create a narrower ankle, so with the known swelling issues I would err on the safe side. Definately knit at least a couple inches up the leg before stopping, though, so she can get a good idea of the fit. You might consider starting on the second sock as a goodwill gesture, unless you think that you will just find another pattern if the current socks don't fit. That's my $0.02 anyway...
I think you could go up a needle size or two and it would be fine. I'm making some dashings for my MIL and I figure if they don't fit her I can make her some in a different yarn and give them to someone who they do fit.
What a coincidence! Grumperina just posted about socks with short-row heels and roomy ankles, based on a Cat Bordhi pattern. You should look that up...
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