In case you're looking at this photo in utter confusion, that door on the right is supposed to be attached over on the left. This is one of our laundry room/closet doors, and it's been nothing but trouble since we moved in. It keeps sticking in the track, and I had had enough. So I took it down, figuring they would have to ACTUALLY FIX IT this time...No, really what happened was I thought that maybe up lifting it a bit I could get it back on track properly, and instead I ended up detaching it somehow. You can see the hardware on the washing machine if you squint. The door track is really messed up, and has been (hence it keeps sticking), so I'm really hoping they'll just replace the whole damn thing. Finally.
I have been quite crafty this weekend. Yesterday I even got out an old needlepoint project:
As you can see, Oliver was quite excited by the needlepoint. Or maybe it was the extra heat from the three-pronged lamp I dragged in from the den. I'll never understand why they print canvases with such similar colors next to each other, such that you need 20/20 vision and excellent lighting to tell what you're doing. I realize it's so the yarn kind of matches the canvas, but still...
I also finished the first of my Austermann Step socks. I had been charging along on this back in early February, and then I got to the toe was stopped in a fit of confusion over what type of toe to do, and how long it would take (length, not time), and so on. Tonight I realized I didn't have any simple knit-in-front-of-the-tv-whilst-paying-attention-to-the-tv knitting, so out came the sock, and the toe was just fine. Although the sock is just slightly too big for me. I'm now trying to decide if I should make another like it and give them to someone with slightly bigger feet, or make the second one a bit smaller and then make this one over. I feel option one will win because I abhor ripping things out...
I've been a bit down lately, which has led me hunting for cute shoes. Look what I found:

for the austermann socks- try stepping out of your comfort zone and RI-I-I-P! because you should knit for you.
I vote for the yellow -you'll get much more use out of them. Nice heel. love, mom
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