I picked up my skis last night, and I understand that the thing to do is put on ski clothing and the skis and take photos in the living room, so I did just that. Please pardon the mess on the tables.
And from the side, so you can appreciate the twin-tips:
The skis have wild bottoms:

Aside: The Frye box on the Poang chair contains the yellow shoes I was SO excited about last week. They arrived yesterday, and I think I'm going to send them back. They're a bit tight on the side of the toes, and they were pretty expensive, so I was always intending to send them back if they were anything less than perfect. The heel is a bit shorter than I'd have preferred as well, so back they will likely go.
Aside over: Oliver was totally traumatized by the skis. He did a very sneaky and thorough investigation of the boots when I wasn't wearing them, and hissed at the skis when I skied down the hall. Well, slid down the hall. It's hard to see the trauma here though, isn't it? He recovers quickly.

All of the Fiberphiles were in town the last couple of days. We've scattered a bit lately, but Pam was up from Portland for a conference, and Daisy was back in town for the closing on her old house, so most of us got together for dinner last night at an excellent Thai restaurant in my neighborhood. No knitting was accomplished, but we did get our waiter to take a photo:

From the left: Rachel, Jennifer, Pam (great new haircut!), Daisy, and me.
I am almost finished with the Peekaboo mittens - just one thumb to go, and all the other ends already woven in. I knit the whole second one in just a few hours last night - they're an ideal quick gift project. I was going to post another photo of them but figured I'd wait for the FO shot, since it won't be long in coming!
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