Monday, March 31, 2008
Something new...
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Something is missing...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
A lovely weekend
Yesterday saw us off skiing again, this time at Mt. Baker for the Eighth Annual Golden Egg Hunt. They hid 4,000+ eggs around the ski area and (supposedly) gave away $15,000 worth of prizes.
I only found two eggs (and I was the only one of us who found any), and they had (unlucky) raffle tickets inside. The weather was lovely and there was a lot of snow, although it was pretty heavy and a bit tough to deal with in spots. Anne-Marie took this photo of my trying to work out how I was going to get a turn started:
It was, by the way, steeper than it looks. You can see above and behind me below how much new snow there was - I think almost two feet last week.
This is probably the last time we'll get out skiing this year, although they got 15 more inches of snow today, so there is always hope for next weekend. But I'm okay with being done for the season - we've been out six times and that's pretty good considering we didn't go at all until after New Years, I was sick a couple of times, and I was out of town for a weekend. Anne-Marie has more photos on her blog - the one of Dave and I standing at the top of the run I'm struggling with in the photo above is a really nice shot you should check out. We took a break to watch the egg toss:
They got really far apart by the end, and the prize was a pair of snowboards and several lift tickets, so I suspect people practive! And, as you can see, all the cool kids drink diet pepsi (sorry Mom)! Well, Anne-Marie is behind me drinking hot cocoa, but...
The Easter Bunny (aka my parents) sent me a nice surprise!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Quick shawl update
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Oops, I made a hat!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Moral Dilemma
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Quick update about nothing
This will be quick because Blogger is having an outage in 4 minutes, but I wanted to check in and update that I finished the main lace section of my shawl and now I just have the three edging charts to knit. Those might be a bit slow, since they have nupps, and they keep getting longer each row. I'll try to post another photo soon but the shawl is too wide to stretch out now so it might be tough...
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Weekend Update
Knit half of first Chevalier Mitten after Rachel fixed by miscabling at lunch.
Friday: Pride & Prejudice, 5-hour BBC version with Colin Firth. This is my favorite P&P.
Saturday: Pride & Prejudice (again) with Rachel this time, and only the first half. Then I broke with Jane and watched Vanity Fair, which is at least the same time period. Knit lace. In the evening Anne-Marie and I went to see The Other Boleyn Girl, which was quite good, and, although much earlier in time, still involved romantic intrigue and good dresses.
Sunday: I'm going to watch Persuasion, the new Masterpiece Theater version, which I have on the Tivo, and knit lace. I have two repeats to go on the main section so I hope to finish that tonight, although it's already 8:15. Where did the day go?!?
Well, part of the day went to hitting up the dregs of the Hilltop Yarn fire sale, which, as you might recall, I skillfully avoided last weekend by going skiing. I stopped in there today on my way home from the grocery store and was pleasantly surprised by how many great pattern books they had left.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
What have I done to anger the knitting gods?
Then yesterday at lunch I took a look at them and thought, "You know, something doesn't look right here." Can't see it? Look on the upper right. Here's a close-up:
I'm not sure what went wrong here, really, but Rachel diagnosed that my cables weren't traveling (hence the stacking on the right, where it looks like a real cable cross instead of a chevron like the left side and the section underneath). I'm not sure how I messed this up - surely I can read a narrow chart? I suspect I just didn't knit two before starting the cables on one row, but now I have to rip it back, and I'm really not looking forward to that because of the exceedingly tight gauge. But, I have small needles with me to make it easier and will proceed accordingly. If all else fails I can just start over, it didn't take me very long to get to where I am...But, this is frustrating because I just want something simple to work on, you know? I haven't even attempted to fix the lace hat...
Dave and I watched Into the Wild last night, and I would really recommend it. The book is great, but the movie has better scenery. I find the protagonist to be a very selfish character, mainly as regards to how he treats his family, but he has many redeeming qualities and by the end you're with him, at least sort of. By that I mean you can empathize with him, but you're probably not going to think twice about going into the wilds of Alaska and camping in an abandoned bus. Now Dave has flown off to visit his grandmother in Florida (lucky) so I have the house to myself for the weekend. I intend to watch as much Jane Austen as I can find time for and maybe to eat some chicken. I might also go skiing. And some work will be done, I suppose...
Monday, March 03, 2008
Past failings and new goals
As a recap, the February goals were as follows:
1. Finish Anastasia Socks - Done
2. Knit to armholes of Ivy League Vest - Ha! I think I knit two rounds of this because of #3 and 4
3. Finish woven scarf - Done
4. Finish first section of lace repeats on gift shawl - Well, mixed bag here. There are supposed to be 14 repeats, but I'm doing 19. I have 15 done, which means I sort of met this goal, if I was to be making the original shawl...
Looking back, that's really not that awful considering how busy I was and that the lace is time-consuming to knit. The only thing that really suffered was the vest, because I was knitting the shawl at the times I would otherwise have been working on that. The woven scarf came to Boston and was knit on the plane and in seminars, and the socks were mostly knit on the way to and from Boston on the plane. The lace is the evening with the TV knitting...
March Plans
1. Finish lace shawl - This is not optional as there is a deadline involved. I think this is doable as I'm getting faster even though the rows are getting longer.
2. Finish lace hat that you haven't seen yet. We'll see how this goes. I was trucking right along on it but hit a snag that I couldn't figure out last night so it's in time-out for the moment.
3. Finish Chevalier Mittens - I started these last night to take the edge off after finding an issue in #2 and not having the patience for #1.
4. At least work on the Ivy League Vest, but the rush seems off with this project now that it's getting on toward spring and it might be time to break out the hibernating spring/summer knits from last year...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Another "woven" scarf
Pattern: Woven Knit, from Knit Scarves! by Candi Jensen.
Yarn: Colinette Prism, colorway Toscana, 2 skeins. This is the recommended yarn and it's great. I bought it from an Ebay vendor in the UK in December 2006 for just this purpose.
Needles: Size 11 Clover bamboo straights.
Time on the needles: January-February 2008. Finished on 2/29 - thank goodness it was a leap year or I'd have been up very late on Thursday trying to finish in February!
Impressions: Love it! I'm honestly not sure why this pattern isn't more popular. It's dead simple and results in a cool fabric that lays completely flat. There are only 13 of these on Ravelry and three of them are mine! It can get a bit tedious but that's true of most scarves so I doubt that's the deterrent. The yarn is great - a bit pricey but I got a good deal on it and it was nice to, for once, be using the recommended yarn (even the same color!). I'm really excited to have finally knit this, since I acquired the yarn quite awhile ago and had been meaning to knit it up ever since, but it always got pushed out the way for gift projects and more exotic knits. Here's the obligatory texture close-up:
I am SO glad I went skiing yesterday instead of braving the crowds at the Hilltop Yarn fire sale! It sounds like it was utterly chaotic with people and that the good stuff went fast. People were lining up at 9:00am for an 11:00am opening! For YARN! I love yarn but that's insanity. So, I'm glad I didn't go - crowds and disorganization frustrate me to no end so it wouldn't have turned out well for me, plus the skiing was great. Dave, Anne-Marie, and I went to Crystal Mountain, where we found much good snow and Dave did a hike up/ski down race (Because he is crazy. Anne-Marie and I rode the lifts, because we are sensible). Fourth time skiing this year and I would like to go at least once more, maybe next weekend if it keeps snowing...
February accomplishments and March goals to come later today!