Right, I'm back. I've been here all along really, but I had some sort of fever-type plague which I think was a short-lived flu, and then I had (well, concurrently really, which wasn't fun) a huge amount of stuff to do for class and lab, and now I have a chest cold but at least I'm not alternating between crying about stress and sweating through my clothing. Sorry if that's TMI. And I had this whole big January wrap-up/February goals posts all written in my head for Friday but then I spent all day laying on the couch trying to will my head into not pounding whilst wondering who in their right mind thinks they're going on Jerry Springer to hear some good news. Ahem. Yes, it was bad enough that I didn't go to work, which is rare and was nice...but I didn't knit, because I had lost the will to live, let alone count. So, now that it's February 7th, the wrap-up/big plans post seems a bit silly, but I'm going to do it anyway.
The January goals were thus: 1. Finish Anastasia Socks - Not done :(
3. Finish Drops Swing Cardigan - Done, discussed at length here 4. Knit a hat for Rembrandt - Done, knit jointly by Dave and I but not yet posted
5. Finish Carpathia hat - Done, this was for Daisy 6. Cast-on and knit five inches of the Ivy League Vest - Done, see below
7. Design my ski hat - Not done, there are some potential issues here
8. Pick pattern/yarn for semi-secret shawl - Done, this was talked about here and progress has been slow but I have been working on it. Just tonight I did a repeat... Looking back I am really happy with all that! Aside from the socks, which were a Christmas gift and are languishing. I did start the second sock and I'm about halfway up the foot, and there's really no reason I haven't been working on them aside from that I've been working on this:
Sorry the photo isn't great, but that is just about 5" of Ivy League Vest. I've been really enjoying it so far! I'm using Knit Picks Palette and I really like the yarn. I've very happy to be done with the ribbing as it was tedious. I'd like to devote an entire post to this but I don't have the energy just now so that will wait until there is more progress...
February Goals
1. Finish Anastasia Socks
2. Knit to armholes/v-neck steek (whichever comes first) of Ivy League Vest
3. Finish woven scarf - I'm going to Boston next week and this will be a good traveling project, with the socks
4. Finish the section of the lace shawl that I'm on now. I've done four repeats, I think I need to do 16 or something, and it gets longer each repeat so this isn't trivial but there is a deadline looming for this baby.
We'll see how it goes. February is a short month and it's 1/4 over already, plus I'm going to be really busy for the next couple of weeks, so I might not do as well with the goals this month as I did in January. But I will make a valiant effort at it, just for you!
3 things. 1. LOL re jerry springer. 2. Thanks for the tip on the Intellectual Devotional - I got it for dh as a v-day present, how geeky does that make us?? 3. nice work on the ivy league vest! you might actually inspire me to do it by the time you're done. 4. feel better
okay, so it was four things.
Wow, that was quite an impressive list of goals for the month! Great job on them!
Impressive! You got a lot done in January! There'll be lots of plane time next week to finish those socks...
Emily, I was wondering when we would get the next post. Marlene was here and loved the swing sweater. Get well.
love, mom
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