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Spring is in the Air
Unlike most of the country, Spring is in full effect here in Seattle, and has been for several weeks.
Spring is probably the loveliest season here as the flowers and trees really go all-out to put on a good show.
As I've mentioned before, fall is actually my favorite season, but it just isn't the same as the autumn I grew up with on the East Coast.
That said, spring is WAY better here (aside from the rain, which is what makes the pretty flowers, so I guess we can live with it!).
These photos were taken this past Sunday at the Washington Park Arboretum, which is a lovely place.
I have been working a lot on my Jewel cardigan, but I'm a bit behind where I want to be because I was at a meeting until 9:30 last night (yes, 9:30 PM), so not much knitting was accomplished. Dave and I had planned to watch Rear Window, so we did, and the staying up late has left me quite tired today. I must admit I'm not well-versed in "the Classics" when it comes to movies, but I really enjoyed Rear Window. I can totally see myself spying on my neighbors and getting all obsessed curious about what they're up to. Can't you? I think the voyeur tendency is latent in all of us...Not sure if I've mentioned this, but I'm taking a Pilates class, and it's totally kicking my ass abs. It's really quite difficult, but I love the soreness that results! I realize this is weird, but I LOVE being sore after workouts/hiking/etc. Gives me a feeling of accomplishment! I'm really enjoying the class, and it's good for me because I don't generally do much for my "powerhouse." Legs, yes, arms, yes (lately), abs? Not so much. The worst part is that the class is at 8:10, at the gym that is a 20 minute (brisk) bike ride from home. So I have to get up much earlier than I'd like. But, that is also good for me...
I grew up in MA and spring in the Midwest sure beats the nonexistent New England spring!!!
I'm taking a pilates class too and it's wearing me out. I thought it would be a breeze compared to running but that turns out not to be the case. I think pilates is one big sit up.
Man,what breath-taking photos. I grew up in Vermont (I now live in San Diego) and season changes are just a wonderful thing.
Susan & her blog
i'm so with you on rear window. if i ever get stuck at home like that i know i'll be causing all kinds of trouble.
Beautiful pictures - thanks for sharing!!
Oh, these photos are absolutely amazing, thanks so much for sharing! I can't seem to get enough spring pics these days, all these colors are just so beautiful! Enjoy!
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