First off, I realize I vanished again, but I've just been really uninspired about things to write. So here is a cute Oliver photo to tide you over until I have some pretty knitting pictures.
This should be pretty soon, since I'm at the tip decreases of my second Selbuvotter mitten.
I might have had a falling-down of the yarn acquisition variety last week, when I ordered some yarn to make the Ivy League vest from the soon-to-be-in-my-mailbox Interweave Knits Winter 2007. I was ordering some Christmas gift yarn from Knit Picks and, well, it just fell into my basket, what can I say? I'm going to blame Amanda for enabling me on this, since it was her idea to use Palette and she came up with the appropriate color substitions. We've both ordered yarn and are now eagerly awaiting the arrival of the magazine. I'm excited about this project, which I think will be more approachable than a full Fair Isle sweater. I have several of those in my Ravelry queue, but they're a bit daunting. A vest has no sleeves and thus much less seaming, which we all know greatly increases my chances of actually finishing the garment. Although, I suspect it will be steeked, which scares the daylights out of me but will be something new.
You might notice that I'm writing this post really early in the morning, and that is because someone had the brilliant idea to do an announced test of our building fire alarm at 7:00am this morning. I hate loud noises so I decided I would get up before that so as to be prepared for it. I don't usually get up until at least 8:00, so I'm not thrilled, but at least I'll be at work early! And, you all get something to read, although I make no guarantees of sensicalness (Is that even a word? It should be.) since it's early and I've not yet had my tea. I was going to present a bit list of all my knitting works-in-progress for you, for lack of something else to talk about, but since I came up with the Ivy League vest perhaps I'll save that for another time. Happy Tuesday!
we can fair-isle together- I am close to casting on for Mirepoix.
I'll remind you that YOU actually purchased your yarn first ;) Tee hee... I haven't received my package yet but I'm hoping it (and the magazine) will show up today. If it does, that will throw a bunch of plans off course!
You really think it will be steeked?? That's more than a little scary! I'll hold your hand if you hold mine :)
Hmmm... explain something to me: you queued three patterns from the new IK, but NOT the fair-isle vest, even though you have yarn on the way? Strange...
Are you in denial perhaps? I guess one shouldn't try to understand a knitter's behavior about yarn and patterns...
It wasn't in the Ravelry library yet, hence I didn't queue it! And yes, I did order my yarn first...but it was your idea :)
Tee hee... ok I'll take the blame :) Did yours arrive yet?
I didn't realise the patterns were now in ravelry either... off to queue a few things!!
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