No, these are not flat black sandals. I also got some of those, but I can't find them anywhere on the internet, even though they are Born and every other shoe they make is on their webpage. They are very comfortable. Maybe I'll take a photo of them and add it later. Anyway, these little brown shoes are ones I've been lusting after since I first spotted them about a month ago. They fill another void in the shoe wardrobe (the not-clunky-or-flip-floppy brown sandal void). I love them. Walked around my apartment in them a fair bit last night to test them out. I'm not good at walking in heels - need to practice...
I also found an adorable brown dress, and a knee-length denim skirt that fits and doesn't make me look pregnant, which is a common problem with these things (for me at least). However, I did NOT find JEANS THAT WERE NOT 5 INCHES TOO LONG. Not that I'm bitter. I hate shopping for jeans. I'm 5'2". The ankle-length jeans are good for me, but most stores don't have them, and none of the 'trendy' jeans come in anything shorter than 32" inseams. When will the designers realize that a)we're not all 5'9", and b)we don't always want to wear 3" heels (cute sandals aside)?
Okay, I'm done ranting. There was no knitting since there was shopping and packing. Maybe tomorrow I will talk about knitting, since I'll be knitting for a couple of hours tonight. Probably fighting with the confusing stuffed bear directions...hopefully with Rachel's help!
These shoes are FABULOUS !!!!! Enjoy!!
BTW I get Liz Claiborne jeans in the 'short' size...
So do I. With the cute shoes and the wheel and music inserts!
Great shoes!
And, hey, we're the same height!
That comment above is me, your secret pal. :-)
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