Those would be the outermost teeth on this lovely x-ray, top and bottom, kindly snatched from here. By the way this is not MY mouth - sadly I have many more fillings than this person and I'm already missing a tooth. I'm not overly excited about this little procedure (who would be?) but I'm not that worried about it either, and I'm looking forward to the nitrous oxide, which is always an experience. I've opted against the IV sedative, since I'd rather not deal with any potential complications from that, and, frankly, I've had so much dental work that I can't imagine needing it. That and my natural curiousity means I'd like to be aware of what's going on. Knowing myself, I'll probably start asking questions in the middle, like, "why are you chopping that up?" and "what is that look of horror on your face?" Of course the quadruple extraction means that I'll be taking a couple of days off from the lab, so there will be lots of television watching and knitting. Probably simple knitting, depending on the level of painkillers I get/need...I've been excited about the days off, since I rarely get sick enough to not go to lab, and now I have a proper excuse! I'll keep you posted...
Hope you're feeling OK! just don't talk too much tonight. I was so numb and high with painkillers that I overdid it and was VERY sore the next day. No, I'm not talking about this week, I didn't even take any codeine today! Welcome to the TV and Couch brigade!
Emily, Just got done visiting the blog. Jenny will love the socks. love, mom
Best of luck! My husband had all 4 out last winter (at 39) and went skiing 2 days later. Me? I had mine out at 21, all four at once, got 2 dry sockets for 6 weeks, was allergic to all the painkillers they gave me, but STILL went on a 4 day fishing trip.....probably because I was 21 and stupid. But hey...it was an adventure. Enjoy the knitting!
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