
Pattern: By Megan at Pensive Frog, from Magknits.
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Worsted, black. I used about 2/3 of a skein. Yarn was purchased at Weaving Works back in the fall, pre-yarn fast.
Needles: Size 7 bamboo DPNs. I *gasp* didn't check my gauge but it came out perfectly!
Time to knit: About 2.5 days, but I knit one whole one aside from the thumb in one night, so they were a really fast knit!
Impressions: This is a great pattern, and a really cool project when completed. I think these will be quite useful to their recipient, and I can't wait to make some for myself. The pattern is clearly written and I didn't make any changes. It's handily written for two gauges, these being the larger-gauge version. I love Lamb's Pride Worsted, which I am reminded of every time I use it. It's a little bit thick-and-thin, so it keeps your interest, and the mohair gives it a small halo. I find it nicer to knit with than Cascade 220, which I tend to lump together with it since they both come in loads of colors and are often together at the yarn store.
I am ALMOST done with my Step socks - I'm on the toe decreases, and had I not gotten up at 5:30 yesterday morning to do skiing I would have finished them last night. Photos tomorrow, I promise, assuming that buying Dave a suit for Rembrandt's upcoming nuptials doesn't turn into an all-night project (fingers crossed).
I should show off skiing photos, shouldn't I, just as evidence I was there? Yesterday I drove to Mt. Baker BY MYSELF and tried out my new skis. The skis are fine, but I had a rough time of it. Most of the day the visibility was really bad (In that I was skiing in a cloud. Not in fog. In a cloud. And it was snowing, hard, in that cloud.), and I was feeling the repercussions of the severe bruise I got on my left shin from the rental boots last weekend, which I thought was healed or I never would have gone. SO, I had leg pain and almost blindness to contend with, and no one there with me for sympathy. But, when the clouds cleared a bit it was quite pretty.
Once again I didn't take the camera with me while I was skiing, which this time was a good thing since I kept falling when I ran off the groomed trails into feet of powder, which pretty much stops you dead in your tracks. That and the snow snakes - they were out in abundance yesterday. I took these photos from the parking lot as I was leaving, hence the rooftops. 

I don't mean to complain, it was a nice day out overall. The drive was nice, and for once I made it there before the lifts opened (we always try and never succeed). I borrowed The Kite Runner from the library and listened to almost half of it in the 6 hours I was in the car. I've been enjoying it but I'm not sure when I'll get to listen to the rest because it's rare for me to spend that much time in the car or with the home stereo without Dave around, and I doubt he'll want to come into the story in the middle.
I think the new skis will work out really nicely for me, I just had a tough time yesterday because of I couldn't see where I was going and my shin really hurt. It's fairly difficult to be confident in your skiing when you can't tell up from down! My friend Kristen went up to Whistler, BC this weekend and had similar visibility issues, so I feel a bit better...

Tomorrow - the Step socks will be finished object #9 of 2007!
I love your mittens so much, I'm going to try some!
These mitts are absolutely gorgeous! What a great and useful pattern this is, I'll certainly have to try these too!
And thanks for posting these most amazing pictures - you got me right into the perfect skiing mood with them, so off I am now to hit the slopes! ;)
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