My reunion was on Saturday night, and it was quite fun. I'd say maybe 30% of my class was in attendance, give or take. We didn't have the reunion in a closed location, so there were some interlopers in there interfering with my counting, and there were plenty of people who I'm pretty sure I did go to school with but didn't remember, so I could be way off in my attendance estimate. I didn't get many good photos, but this is me (on the right) with my high school boyfriend (who had more hair then) Matt, and our friend Lauren (middle).
I spent most of the day Sunday preparing for a barbeque that my parents were having, and at the party itself. My parents have fun friends so it's always enjoyable to hang out with them, and the party was quite fun. Monday I sorted through a ton of stuff that was still taking up residence in my old bedroom closet, and got rid of a lot. I'll be meeting up with my parents in Utah later this month and they're bringing me a big box of clothes and crafty stuff I want to keep. Then we went to the Erie Zoo, where I met this little guy:
Seriously, how cute is he (she?)? Adorable. The zoo has gone through many changes since I volunteered there in high school, and is looking great. I got a lot of good animal photos but as this post is already photo heavy I'll just show you one more, of some lovely tropical birds that you can visit in their cage:
Sadly I don't remember what kind of birds these are, but they came in a multitude of colors. They are probably Rainbow Lorikeets. Then I visited with my grandmother a bit and headed back to the airport. I just barely made my connecting flight in Atlanta (and I mean just barely - they reopened the plane door for me and the three others from my flight) but my luggage did not, although I got it Tuesday afternoon, only about 16 hours late. Not bad really. The only thing I
needed wanted in there was my MS3, but I didn't really have time to work on it anyway. Oh, and Dave brought me flowers at the airport! I've always wanted to be greeted with flowers! I hardly did any knitting while I was at home. About 6 rows of the stole (I've done a lot since I got back though - I'm currently on row 121) and a bit on the Chevron Scarf. Didn't even touch the Sockapalooza sock. But after a good effort last night I'm up to the heel of the first sock. I'm kind of addicted to the lace, which is interfering with the socks, which I'll now be rushing to finish...
Oh, Tuesday night Dave, Anne-Marie, and I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It's great. You should go see it. Be smarter than us and don't go at midnight. It's shorter than the previous movies but that's not really saying much.
Was fun reading about your trip home - great photos! & interesting commentary on the nervousness asso with the reunion.
Noone has ever greeted me with flowers at the airport either, now I will keep my hopes up since it seems it might happen someday :)
Hey Emily - it's T. from - can you email that so we can get you added!
Tx. T.
Em, great pics! Sorry our schedules conflicted, I would have enjoyed seeing you in PA. Your Mom's gardens are indeed awesome!
Flowers at the airport? That's worth AT LEAST 4 points, Dave!
Hope you guys have a great trip to Utah - I WANT STORIES when you get back!
Much love,
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